

Meet Minttu, a Finnish artist who believes art can bring hope in uncertain times

29 Oct 2020

I discovered Minttu's artworks several weeks ago through Instagram. I was amazed by her painting skills, and I fell in love with her mystical world. When it feels like the world doesn't make any ...

The rise of figurative art: how young visual artists are becoming powerful influencers

29 Jan 2020

Art by Liberal Jane
It’s no secret that I became obsessed with art (in a good way). At 19 years old, I got into art school, studied painting and art history. Being a visual artist wasn’t enough fo...

Eight young artists you need to follow on Instagram in 2020

13 Jan 2020

Lisa Schittulli, Langue de P****, 2019, graphite on paper, 45,5x38cm, courtesy of the artist
Wherever we live, young artists are among us. They influence us, they make us dream and som...

Big trends affecting the art market in 2020

05 Jan 2020


The art market is slowly becoming digital
Today, thanks to the digital revolution, artists are becoming more and more independent by selling their artworks through online platforms. In this c...

Eléonore Deshayes

03 Sep 2019

Love valley, 2018, Huile sur toile, 100x80cm
Eléonore Deshayes, artiste diplômée de la Haute Ecole des Arts du Rhin de Strasbourg, Lauréate des Canson Art School Award 2017 et dont le travail a ...

Alain Nzuzi Polo

22 Aug 2019

Jeune homme à la veste, 2008

Jeune homme à la veste, 2008

Lorsque j’étais étudiante à l’Ecole supérieure des arts décoratifs de Strasbourg,  j’ai fais la rencontre de l’artiste d’origine congol...

Jade Rousset

21 Jul 2019

Entretien avec les pierres . Huile et pastel sec sur panneau de bois . 130x110 cm . 2019

Kochersberg . Pigments sur panneau de bois . 200x150 cm . 2018

Jade Rousset est une jeune artiste plasti...

Iva Ivanova

10 Jul 2019

Costume Design for a play, 2019, pencil on paper, 10x 15 cm

various drawings, ballpen on paper, 2018

Iva Ivanova, artiste Bulgare, a étudié la scénographie à l’Académie des Beaux-Arts de Vienn...

Olivia Etienne

19 Jun 2019

Autoportrait ou profil II, peinture à l'huile sur plaque de dibond, 100 x 75 cm, 2019 (détail)

L'échauffement ou profil III, fusain sur papier, 110 x 100 cm, 2019

Olivia Etienne, artiste plasti...

Baptiste Desjardin

04 Jun 2019

LOST IN A CIRCLE, chinese paper, 50 x 50 cm, 2017

UNSHAPE THE SHAPE 6, paper, 55 x 80 cm, 2018

UNSHAPE THE SHAPE 6, paper, 55 x 80 cm, 2018

J’ai rencontré Baptiste à la Haute Ecole des Arts ...

Joris Tissot

21 May 2019

TABLE MAL RANGE AVEC UN CRANE, 2019 - d'après Harmen Steenwijck, mine de plomb, fusain ,craie et peinture sur bois, 80 x 100 cm

Joris Tissot est un artiste autodidacte. A 27 ans, il a déjà une ...

Christina Safa

14 May 2019

AUTOPORTRAIT EN INDE, 2018, huile sur toile, 33 x24 cm

EHDEN, 2017, huile sur toile, 46 x 38cm

Please scroll down for the English version
Christine Safa est une artiste peintre qui s’est form...

Displaying Article 1 - 12 of 24 in total

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Iva Ivanova, an artist, and a stage and costume designer

Meet Minttu, a Finnish artist who believes art can bring hope in uncertain times

Henuttawy's mystery, an educational activity
