

Alain Nzuzi Polo

22 Aug 2019

Jeune homme à la veste, 2008

Jeune homme à la veste, 2008

Lorsque j’étais étudiante à l’Ecole supérieure des arts décoratifs de Strasbourg,  j’ai fais la rencontre de l’artiste d’origine congol...

Lisa Schittulli

04 May 2019

Lisa Schittulli at her studio in Pantin

Zoom in of NOT SO VEGAN, 2018, linocut on paper, 34 x 49 cm

UNTITLED, 2018, linocut on paper, 33 x 58 cm

Please scroll down for the English version.

Comment tout a commencé

14 Mar 2019

Mémoire, la suite...
"Comment tout a commencé
  Ils venaient tout juste d’emménager au 241 Westend Avenue*, dans une jolie maison entre la mer et la terre. Ravie d’avoir fui la ville, Petite...

My first artist residency at The Swatch Art Peace Hotel Shanghai

02 Dec 2017

My studio at The Swatch Art Peace Hotel in Shanghai

A message to artists all over the globe
Being an artist is hard. We can easily lose hope. But we shouldn’t ever give up. One possible way to...

"Sleeping beauty" cause they only shut up when you sleep

22 Oct 2017

 In my previous article, I told you about the way women present themselves through social media (e.g. Instagram). They are confident and very focused on their physical appearance. This virtua...

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